MH Wilds 26 - Wyvernsprouts! Explorer of the Eastlands!
Will not be posting my build any longer in posts. But will build out a section on the website where you can check out my saved load-out builds.
I have started my quest on getting the Platinum Trophy. 1 of those Achievements is called "Explorer of the Eastlands" which requires gathering 10 different special items of Rarity 6. Here is the complete list and how to get them (also anytime you see an Emergence pop up, you should take the time to find and harvest it):
- Windward Plains during Plenty you can acquire the Great Windward Aloe, from the emergence event.
- Windward Plains during Inclemency you can acquire the Thundering Fulgurite, from the emergence event.
- Scarlet Forest during Plenty you can acquire the Bulky Treasure, from the Bountiful Treasure Emergence event.
- Scarlet Forest during Plenty you can acquire the Eternal Scarlet Amber, from the Colossal Amber Emergence event.
- Oilwell Basin during Plenty or Fallow you can acquire the Antimite Mass, from the Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence event.
- Iceshard Cliffs during Plenty you can acquire the Large Goldenscale Vase, from the Remarkable Relic Emergence event.
- Windward Plains, Oilwell Basin, and Ruins of Wyveria during Fallow you can acquire the Genesis Opal, from the Magnificent Fossil Emergence event.
- Windward Plains, Oilwell Basin, and Ruins of Wyveria during Inclemency you can acquire the Time-honed Wylk Gem, from the Wylky Crystal Outcrop Emergence event.
- Nightflower Pollen can be found in the Windward Plains (Area 10 and 3) or Scarlet Forest (Area 18 and 14) at night during a full moon from an Ephemeral Blosson.
- Queensbloom Pollen can be found in the Scarlet Forest (3 locations in Area 6 and 7) during Plenty from the Queen Rafflesia.
- Wyvernsprout randomly spawns from small monster corpses after they have rotted over time. This is the best video I found that explains how to get it easily. Thank you @Videogamer_TV:
Here is proof it works - I gathered it on my first try:
If you missed it - do not forget to visit my ever expanding Monster's Guide webpage:
Here are the results after today's hunt:
Hunter Rank: 113
Total Playtime: 76:00
Session Time: 02:06
Total Monsters Hunted: 208/212
Total Success Rate: 98%
Times Carted (Fainted): 9
Monsters Hunted this session: 1/1
1x Tempered Gore Magala (2 faints tried solo with a multi-player mushroomancer setup, I wanted to test how hard it was with not fully maxed gear nor a solo-build. Also wanted to see how hard it was for a head break to get the rare Gore Magala Feeler+). Here is how my hunt went - not the prettiest I admit! Also spent most of my time today trying to get a gathering set together.
Need a support Mushroomancer, that wields paralysis?! Add me and let's hunt together!
Wish Dragon
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