Can inflict Waterblight (Nulberry, prevented with Water Resistance 3, Blight Resistance 3 or receiving buffs from the Hunting Horn).
Reminds me of the movie Tremors. Balahara is an imposing beast known for its long reach and destructive strikes. With thick, scaly armor, it’s tough to break down, but it fears Thunder attacks. Watch for its aerial maneuvers and tail sweeps, and use Screamer Pods when it’s underground to force it out. Stay nimble and time your dodges carefully, especially when it charges. Focus on its legs to break its mobility and create openings for more damage.
Low-Rank Rewards Table (can scroll left to right):
Balahara Scale, Balahara Shell, Balahara Skull, Balahara Tail, Aqua Sac, Balahara Certificate, Balahara Black Pearl.
High-Rank Rewards Table (can scroll left to right):
Balahara Scale +, Balahara Carapace, Balahara Skull +, Balahara Tail, Torrent Sac, Balahara Certificate S, Balahara Black Pearl, Wyvern Gem.