

Can inflict Minor Wind Pressure (prevented with Windproof 1), Poison (Antidote, Herbal Medicine or Herbal Powder), and Flash (negated with Stun Resistance 3).

Gypceros may look harmless, but its flashy feathers hide a master of chaos. It blinds hunters with toxic gas and dazzling attacks, making every move a gamble. Keep your distance to avoid its blinding spit, and use Fire or Ice weapons to exploit its weaknesses. When it stumbles after blinding you, strike—timing is key against this tricky bird.

Low-Rank Rewards Table (No Low Rank):

High-Rank Rewards Table (can scroll left to right):
Rubbery Hide +, Gypceros Head, Dash Extract, Gypceros Wing, Gypceros Tail, Toxin Sac, Novacrystal, Gypceros Certificate S, Bird Wyvern Gem.

High Rank MaterialsDrop RateTarget RewardsCarvingBroken/
Cut Part
Wound Reward
Rubbery Hide +★★★☆☆22%33%-45%
Gypceros Head★★★☆☆10%15%70% (Head)-
Dash Extract★★★☆☆---43%
Gypceros Wing★★☆☆☆22%27%--
Gypceros Tail★★☆☆☆15%20%--
Toxin Sac★★☆☆☆20%---
Novacrystal★★☆☆☆--30% (Head)12%
Gypceros Certificate S★☆☆☆☆8%---
Bird Wyvern Gem★☆☆☆☆3%5%--