Guardian Rathalos

Guardian Rathalos

Can inflict a Weak Roar (Earplugs 1), Minor Wind Pressure (prevented with Windproof 1), Fireblight (Nulberry, evading, and prevented with Fire Resistance 3, Blight Resistance 3 or receiving buffs from hunting horn), Poison (Antidote, Herbal Medicine or Herbal Powder).

Guardian Rathalos is the undisputed king of the skies, unleashing fire and venom with relentless aerial assaults. Its razor-sharp claws and sweeping dives punish hesitation, making it a nightmare for the unprepared. Thunder and Dragon weapons are your best bet, but controlling the fight is key—flash bombs or well-placed strikes can ground it. Stay mobile, avoid its fire breath, and don’t let it dictate the hunt.

Low-Rank Rewards Table (can scroll left to right):
Guardian Rathalos Webbing, Guardian Rathalos Scale, Guardian Rathalos Tail, Guardian Rathalos Shell, Flame Sac, G. Rathalos Certificate, Guardian Rathalos Plate, Guardian Scale, Guardian Blood.

Low Rank MaterialsDrop RateTarget RewardsCarvingBroken/
Cut Part
Wound Reward
Guardian Rathalos Webbing★★★★☆15%22%100% (Left/Right Wing)-
Guardian Rathalos Scale★★★☆☆22%33%-45%
Guardian Rathalos Tail★★★☆☆10%13%93% (Tail Carve)-
Guardian Rathalos Shell★★☆☆☆22%27%-35%
Flame Sac★★☆☆☆20%---
G. Rathalos Certificate★☆☆☆☆8%---
Guardian Rathalos Plate★☆☆☆☆3%5%7% (Tail Carve)-
Guardian Scale★☆☆☆☆---12%
Guardian Blood★☆☆☆☆---8%

High-Rank Rewards Table (can scroll left to right):
Guardian Rathalos Wing, Guardian Rathalos Scale +, Guardian Rathalos Tail, Guardian Rathalos Carapace, Inferno Sac, G. Rathalos Certificate S, Guardian Rathalos Plate, Guardian Rathalos Ruby, Guardian Scale +, Guardian Blood +.

High Rank MaterialsDrop RateTarget RewardsCarvingBroken/
Cut Part
Wound Reward
Guardian Rathalos Wing★★★★☆15%24%100% (Left/Right Wing)-
Guardian Rathalos Scale+★★★☆☆20%33%-45%
Guardian Rathalos Tail★★★☆☆10%11%93% (Tail Carve)-
Guardian Rathalos Carapace★★☆☆☆20%27%-35%
Inferno Sac★★☆☆☆17%---
G. Rathalos Certificate S★☆☆☆☆8%---
Guardian Rathalos Plate★☆☆☆☆7%---
Guardian Rathalos Ruby★☆☆☆☆3%5%7% (Tail Carve)-
Guardian Scale+★☆☆☆☆---12%
Guardian Blood+★☆☆☆☆---8%