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Guardian Fulgur Anjanath

Guardian Fulgur Anjanath

Can inflict a Weak Roar (Earplugs 1), Minor Wind Pressure (prevented with Windproof 1), and Thunderblight (Nulberry and prevented with Thunder Resistance 3, Blight Resistance 3 or receiving buffs from hunting horn, also can be negated with skills that increase Stun Resistance).

Guardian Fulgur Anjanath is a thunderous force—bulky, aggressive, and capable of electrifying the battlefield. Its charged breath paralyzes on contact, and when fully charged, it becomes faster and deadlier. Water and Ice weapons help neutralize its power, and breaking its legs creates openings for devastating strikes. Stay mobile, time your attacks carefully, and keep it from turning you into a smoking crater.

Low-Rank Rewards Table (No Low Rank):

High-Rank Rewards Table (can scroll left to right):
Guardian Fulgur Scale +, Guardian Fulgur Nosebone +, Guardian Fulgur Tail, Guardian Fulgur Pelt +, Guardian Fulgur Fang +, Thunder Sac, Guardian Fulgur Certificate S, Guardian Fulgur Gem, Guardian Pelt +.

High Rank MaterialsDrop RateTarget RewardsCarvingBroken/
Cut Part
Wound Reward
Guardian Fulgur Scale +★★★★☆20%30%100% (Left/Right Leg)45%
Guardian Fulgur Nosebone +★★★☆☆8%13%70% (Head)-
Guardian Fulgur Tail★★★☆☆8%11%93% (Tail Carve)-
Guardian Fulgur Pelt +★★☆☆☆20%23%-35%
Guardian Fulgur Fang +★★☆☆☆15%18%Twice 30% (Head)-
Thunder Sac★★☆☆☆18%---
Guardian Fulgur Certificate S★☆☆☆☆8%---
Guardian Fulgur Gem★☆☆☆☆3%5%7% (Tail Carve)-
Guardian Pelt +★☆☆☆☆---12%
Guardian Blood +★☆☆☆☆---8%