

Can inflict a Weak Roar (Earplugs 1), Iceblight (Nulberry, prevented with Ice Resistance 3, Blight Resistance 3 or receiving hunting horn buffs) and Frostblight (Cleanser or prevented with Bind Resistance 3).

Blangonga is an ice-cold wrecking ball—an ape built like a tank with tusks sharp enough to carve glaciers. It commands blizzards, hurling ice chunks and summoning its pack to overwhelm hunters. Stay mobile, as its lunging attacks cover serious ground. Fire weapons melt through its thick fur, and traps give you breathing room. When it roars into rage mode, expect faster, harder-hitting combos—so keep an eye on openings and strike smart.

Low-Rank Rewards Table (No Low Rank):

High-Rank Rewards Table (can scroll left to right):
Blangonga Fang+, Blangonga Pelt+, Blangonga Tail, Blangonga Whisker, Blangonga Certificate S, Beast Gem.

High Rank MaterialsDrop RateTarget RewardsCarvingBroken/
Cut Part
Wound Reward
Blangonga Fang+★★★★☆20%20%100% (Head)-
Blangonga Pelt+★★★★☆27%33%-100%
Blangonga Tail★★★☆☆15%15%100% (Tail)-
Blangonga Whisker★★☆☆☆27%27%--
Blangonga Certificate S★☆☆☆☆8%---
Beast Gem★☆☆☆☆3%5%--